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E-learning platform created for conducting trainings

Within the Project Erasmus+ program KA210-ADU Small-scale partnerships in adult education project “Digitalization of the whole process of organization, conducting and certification of adult trainings”, project No. 2021-1-BG01-KA210-ADU-000033994, e-learning platform for all Project partners, as well for foundation Smart minds, was created for conducting trainings for adults.

E-learning platform is accessible here: https://dgt.contipso.com/

Special manual for usage of platform was prepared: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTe733Z5Ppn73XWYTjxFDA/videos

Training about usage of platform was organized on 30 April, 2022 in Rome, Italy by participation of trainers from each partner’s organization thus improving digital skills of teachers and trainers in partner organizations.

All partner organizations have promoted trainings within e-learning platform and will use it in organizing trainings even after project implementation.


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